MTP can help you prepare for a new or better job!
MTP’s program is:
· Online – through your smart phone, computer or other device
· Available throughout all of Minnesota
· Personalized to your needs
MTP’s SNAP E&T Services:
· Resume Help: We will help you create or polish your resume.
· Application assistance: helping with both online and paper versions
· Job Search Training: using job search technology, preparing for job interviews, connecting you to union networking opportunities, researching different occupations and industries
· Assessing work options including part-time, full-time, and transitional/”stepping stone” jobs to develop work history.
· Learning About Union Jobs: Exploring the benefits and opportunities offered by union jobs, including…. low-cost or free, high-quality health and dental benefits, retirement, paid time off for vacation and health, etc.
· Pre-apprenticeship training for union careers
· Connections to Job Skills Training: in a wide variety of areas.
· Retention Services to Help You Keep a Job
Our program includes:
· Personalized help from our staff. We work with you through your smart phone or laptop device, on the telephone, or in-person to help you meet your individual training and job goals.
· Online group training. Take part in training sessions from your own space!
Resource referrals:
· Interview clothing help and referrals
• Free or low-cost phone with unlimited talk, text, and data
• Energy Assistance referrals (electric, furnace, gas)
· Reduced public transportation cards
· YMCA discounted memberships
· Tax filing assistance
· Getting out of debt
· Financial literacy
Next steps:
MTP makes sure you’re eligible. Then we listen as you describe your needs and learn how we can best support you reaching your job goals. Our orientation session will introduce you to our many services.
Contact us today to learn more!
Judy Swanson
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. This program is sponsored by the State of Minnesota.